Providing opportunity for the communities of South Essex
Empowered Peers aim is to enable young people who are less abled to participate in mainstream activities with the support of peers. The peers in the group are supported and trained on how to support their less able friends, learn their abilities and things they need more help with so that they can participate fully.
The project gives opportunity for young people who are less abled to build relationships with people outside of their primary care givers. It also enables young people to learn how to interact with those who are less abled confidently and respectfully.

Peer supporter Jen helped support young participant Siobhan on a trip to BBC Essex Studios in Chelmsford where they watched the production of the radio show and a live broadcast.
Jen has built the trust of Siobhan and understands her abilities and things she needs more help with. She understands how to reassure Siobhan of what is going on around her and what to expect. She is prepared for helping Siobhan in the darker areas due to her reduced eyesight and helps answer her questions.
The girls had a great afternoon at the Studios with the other young people in the group (who were very excited).